
Course Overview:
Readings are due on the day that they are listed, & weeks Run from Monday - Sunday.
George W. Bush, Harken Energy, and Jackson Stephens c 1979-90 5th version by Mark Lombardi, 1999 bigger image here

Transborder Immigrant Tool performance intervention, Ricardo Dominguez, 2008

WEEK 1 /where is the art?
Half Day Monday January 22, 11:00a
In Class:
- Hello World!

Wednesday January 24
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- Read the syllabus
- Artwork: Look at's Net.Art Anthology and the recent Chronus Art Center Show.
- Register for Slack digitalstudiospring24 team: download the standalone application and say "hi"
- Download a code editor if you haven't already (like Visual Studio Code (preferred), Sublime Text, Atom, or TextMate for Mac or Atom or Crimson Editor for Windows -- see the Resources page)
- Download an ftp application like Filezilla (download the client)

- Fill out Introductions worksheet (direct message it to me in Slack or bring to class)

- Read my General Grading Rubric on the Course Info page. Then, find 3 artworks that intrigue you from the anthology and spend some time understanding the *conceptual, *technical, and *perceptual elements of the works. Do the works you found differ from traditional conceptions of art? How? Be prepared to present the artworks you investigated in class.
- purchase sketchbook from the bookstore and bring to (every) class

In Class:
- introductions, class agreements
- Set up help/ crit groups
- Class discussion: identifying some conceptual, technical, and perceptual qualities of digital art


Galloway, Kit; Rabinowitz, Sherrie, Hole in Space, 1980

WEEK 2 /who is the artist?
Monday January 29
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- Reading: Christiane Paul, "Introduction" from Digital Art
- Look at tags listed on w3schools and experiment with some of the example code for a, img, ul & li, a, div, span, nav

In Class:
- introduction to html and css, introduction to A1

Wednesday January 31
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- Artwork: Michael Mandiberg, Shop Mandiberg;
- Artwork: Young Hae Chang, Traveling to Utopia, With a Brief History of Technology, Artist's Statement N0. 45,730,944: The Perfect Artistic Web Site, and Samsung
- css properties to look at
- data collection project, A2a: Document your digital communications for 24 hours, collecting at least 7 different pieces of metadata (including platform used) -- use a spreadsheet. Direct message spreadsheet to me via Slack by the end of the day Tuesday the 6th
- work on A1

In Class:
- html and css cont'd


WEEK 3 /networked identity
Monday February 05
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- Reading: Simone Browne, Branding Blackness, from Dark Matters
- Artwork: Keith Obadike, Blackness for Sale (read through text on rhizome, then click through to Blackness for Sale specifically);
- Artwork: Cory Archangel, Data Diaries
- Artwork: Gabriel Barcia-Colombo
- Artwork: Heather Dewey-Hagborg (watch a few videos about her DNA works)
- Artwork: Ganesh and Ghani, How Do You See the Disappeared? A Warm Database
- Artwork: Mezangelle
- Artwork: Jonas Lund
- work on a1, making your home site
- data collection project, A2a: Document your digital communications for 24 hours, collecting at least 7 different pieces of metadata (including platform used) -- use a spreadsheet. Direct message spreadsheet to me via Slack by the end of the day Tuesday the 6th

In Class:
- getting to know you exercise
- Discuss artworks
- html and css continued, ftp
- Work on a1, introduction to a2

Tuesday February 06
HACKER HOURS 4:30-6:30p! Come to Digital Lab 208! Come for the code, stay for the Pizza
- a2a due by the end of the day

Wednesday February 07
Before Class:
- work on A1 - continue to look at css: explore properties and values
- develop ideas for a2 in your sketchbooks on mock-ups

In Class:
- studio time, discuss ideas for A2

Friday February 09
- Finish A1 and post to the #assignments channel in Slack by 11:59pm


Glitch Art

WEEK 4 /data 1: surveillance, sousveillance, dataveillance
Monday February 12
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- Reading + Artwork: Artist-Made Tools Resist Algorithmic Racism and Empower Communities
- Reading: Astronoise ed. Laura Poitras, excerpts by Edward Snowden and Kate Crawford
- Artwork: Deep Lab video
- Artwork: Hasan Elahi, Tracking Transience see also: this description

- explore this introduction to responsive design,
- and mess around with these responsive examples
- experiment with
- work on A2

In Class:
- html, css, ftp cont'd

Wednesday February 14
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- Artwork/ Project: Immersion (no longer hosted by MIT -- watch video)
- Artwork: Forensic Architecture
- study and experiment with animations
- study these flexible layouts
- work on mock-ups for a2

In Class:
- surveillance lecture
- flexbox, grid, and transitions
- play around with these examples of image flips, etc: Advanced css and js


WEEK 5 / networked power
Monday February 19
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- Reading: Johnny Ryan, "How the atom bomb helped give birth to the Internet"
- Reading: Starhawk, Intro to Truth or Dare (3 Types of Power Section most important)
- Reading: Mark Lombardi, in Bomb mag
- Artwork/ Reading: Joseph Beuys, Proceedings at the Bureau for Direct Democracy and I am Searching for a Field Character
- Artwork: Paolo Cirio, Global Direct
- Artwork: bitcoin artworks
- Work on a2

In Class:
- In-Process crits
- Studio time

Tuesday February 20
HACKER HOURS 4:30-6:30p! Come to Digital Lab 208! Come for the code, stay for the Pizza

Wednesday February 21
Before Class:
- Artwork/ Reading: Ingrid Burrington, Ground and Above Ground
- Artwork: Kit Galloway and Sherrie Rabinowitz, Hole in Space
- Artwork: Wafaa Bilal, Domestic Tension (watch videos from the performance -- from beginning and end)
- Artwork: Warren Sack, Conversation Map
- Artwork: Warren Sack, Agonistics
- Artwork: Starry Night, Alex Galloway et. al
- Artwork: DToren
- work on a2

In Class:
- In Process crits if needed
- studio time.

A2 due date pushed to Monday Feb 26


WEEK 6 / nonlinear and interactive narratives
Monday February 26
Before Class:
Read/ look at:
- Reading: Garden of Forking Paths
- Artwork: Zach Blas Contra-Internet Inversion Practice #3: Modeling Paranodal Space
- Artwork: Oli Lialina, My Boyfriend Came Back from the War
- Quarantine Stories
- Imagine Otherwise: Margaret Rhee on Queer Feminist Robot Poetry
- Documentation of Patchwork Girl by Shelley Jackson
- ELiterature
- A2 Due
- study these flexible layouts

In Class:
- advanced layouts, studio time, possible drone workshop
- Intro to a3

Wednesday February 28
Before Class:
Read/ look at:
- Reading: Augusto Boal, from Theater of the Oppressed
- Artwork: Eklund, World Without Oil

In Class:
- Discuss recent artworks
- html 5 and css3 uses for narrative,
- layout and animation examples -- see if you can mess around with them to use your own images and text, or tweak the layout
- Look at - play around with some javascript and other ideas for narrative structure
- discuss ideas for A3


WEEK 7 /authorship, data + narrative
Monday March 04
Before Class:
Look at/ Read about:
- catch up on readings and artwork; if you want a good short story, read/reread Garden of Forking Paths (above)
- Reading: Neal Gorenflo, from Shareable, Michel Bauwens, from the P2P Foundation and John Robb, from Global Guerrillas, interview las Indias' David de Ugarte Translated/Re-edited * by Stacco Troncoso, edited by Jane Loes Lipton - Guerrilla Translation!
- Project: Creative Commons
- Artwork(s): Critical Art Ensemble
- play around with ravel, by everest pipkin
- study and experiment with media queries
- sketches and mock-ups for A3

In Class:
- studio time for A3

Wednesday March 06
Before Class:
Read/ look at:
- Reading: Juan Freire, From the Analogue Commons to the New Hybrid Public Spaces
- Project: Welcome to Solidarity Is, a project that generates tools, trainings, and narratives to facilitate transformative solidarity practices for movement building
- Artwork: Bioplastic Cookbook for Ritual Healing from Petrochemical Landscapes
- work on A3

In Class:


WEEK 7 / stories and games
Monday March 18
Before Class:
- work on A3 In Class:
- in-process crits

Wednesday March 20
Before Class:
Read about/ Look at:
- Reading: Catherine, D'Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein, Unicorns, Janitors, Ninjas, Wizards, and Rock Stars from Data Feminism - Artwork: micha cardenas
- Artwork: Joseph Delappe, Dead in Iraq
- Artwork: Catlow, Rethinking War Games
- Artwork: Wafaa Bilal, Domestic Tension
- Michael Mateas, Facade
- UCSC game program, Critical Realities Studio
- Conor Sherlock, The Rapture Is Here and You Will Be Forcibly Removed From Your Home
- Kitty Horror Show don't look at these if you are feeling gloomy or vague :)
- work on a3

In Class:
- in-process crits

Thursday March 21
- HACKER HOURS 4:00-6:00p


WEEK 8 / spidering and poetry crawls
Monday March 25
Before Class:

A3 Due by 12:00p -- please submit link through Slack.

Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- begin scifi novels
- video preparing you for tutorial below (don't do anything while watching this -- it just clarifies a few things you'll encounter in the tutorial below)
- websites to scrape: try these links the one the tutorial gives you isn't working:

In Class:
- Mini lecture introducing free software, copyleft, open source, Creative Commons
- a4, add cc license to your work
- intro to the command line and intro to a5

Wednesday March 27
Before Class:
Read about/ Look at:
- continue sci-fi novels

- practice web scraping from the command line
- work on a5

In Class:
- studio time, intro to spidering
- look at 5 web spider examples


WEEK 9 / spidering 2
Monday April 01
Before Class:
- continue sci-fi novels
- work on a5: figure out what site or sites you want to scrape. come to class with ideas for a5.
- practice web scraping from the command line

In Class:
- studio time
Work with these sites and then with a 'real' site:

Wednesday April 03
Before Class:
Read / Look at:
- continue sci-fi novels
- Rewatch scrapy tutorial (you should be able to smoothly do this whole tutorial now)

- work on a5

In Class:
- studio time


WEEK 10 / speculative fabulation
Monday April 08
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- continue sci-fi novels
- see 3D_Print_Introduction.pdf
In Class:

Tuesday April 09
- Finish A5 and post website to the #assignments channel in Slack by 11:59pm

Wednesday April 10
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- continue sci-fi novels

In Class:
- intro to vector drawing and the laser, intro to A6


Dada Detournement

WEEK 11 / multiples
Monday April 15
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- finish sci-fi novels
- Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (first 5 sections most important)
- brainstorm ideas for A6
In Class:
- vector drawing continued, laser cutting and etching
- Online File Generators for Laser Cutting - studio time, work on A6

Wednesday April 17
Before Class:
- work on ideas and designs for A6 -- your sketchbook should reflect 3-5 ideas
- work on A6

In Class:
- intro to tinkercad - studio time


WEEK 12 / speculative fabrication
Monday April 22
Before Class:
Read about/ Look at:
- Ursula LeGuin Carrier Bag of Fiction - Neri Oxman here
- Tobias Klein Soft Immortality

In Class:
- 3D printing

Wednesday April 24
Before Class:
Read about/ Look at:
- Moreshin Allahyari esp. She Who Sees the Unknown, 3D Addivist stuff, Material Speculation: ISIS
- House of Ladosha
- Stephanie Syjuco esp. Afghanicraftistan
- work on a6, using vector or 3D modeling as needed

In Class:
- studio time, in-process crits

Wednesday April 24
:::3:30-5:30p HACKER HOURS:::


WEEK 14 /
Monday April 29
Before Class:
- work on A6

In Class:
- in-process crits

Wednesday May 01
Before Class:
- work on A6, make a 3D model to print in the media lab

In Class:
- studio day

Friday May 03
- Finish A6: coordinate with me regarding install in Little Hall at noon, and post images to website to the #assignments channel in Slack by 11:59pm

ART LECTURE SERIES @ 4:30pm in Golden Auditorium

PushBack: 2024 Senior Studio Exhibition
December 6, 2023 -- February 7, 2024
Please attend before Feb 07

Video Installation Student Showcase
February 27 - March 7, 2024
Please attend opening reception Tuesday, February 27 at 5:30pm

March 27 - June 30, 2024
Extra Credit Opportunity: The Locker Room: jackie sumell and Studio CAJAIR
Opening reception March 27, 4:30pm
Please join us for a gallery talk between jackie sumell and Studio CAJAIR

April 1 - May 3
Extra Credit Opportunity: The People's Pep Talks
Weekly on Wednesdays and Fridays at 12:00pm, in The Locker Room at Clifford Gallery
Attend at least 2 15-min pep talks - for extra credit -- see professor to discuss

Extra Credit Opportunity: Thursday, 4/18 Detroit: Become Human
Join us for a collective playthrough of Detroit: Become Human.
Released in 2018, this videogame remediates Black American history and the Holocaust in order to imagine AI within these histories of oppression and liberation. Attendees are free to come and go throughout the night, though we do ask that you do so non-disruptively. The event will run until folks get tired or until midnight, whichever comes first. Snacks will be provided.

Extra Credit Opportunities:
January 31 Abdi Farah "Away Games"
February 21 Nneka Kai "Hair as Praxis"
March 26 - TUESDAY Maria Molteni "Courting the Unseen"
April 10 Onyeka Igwe Flaherty/Colgate Distinguished Global Filmmaker in Residence