WEEK 1 /where is the art?
Half Day Monday January 22, 11:00a
In Class:
- Hello World!
Wednesday January 24
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- Read the syllabus
- Artwork: Look at Rhizome.org's Net.Art Anthology and the recent Chronus Art Center Show.
- Register for Slack digitalstudiospring24 team: download the standalone application and say "hi"
- Download a code editor if you haven't already (like Visual Studio Code (preferred), Sublime Text, Atom, or TextMate for Mac or Atom or Crimson Editor for Windows -- see the Resources page)
- Download an ftp application like Filezilla (download the client)
- Fill out Introductions worksheet (direct message it to me in Slack or bring to class)
- Read my General Grading Rubric on the Course Info page. Then, find 3 artworks that intrigue you from the net.art anthology and spend some time understanding the *conceptual, *technical, and *perceptual elements of the works. Do the works you found differ from traditional conceptions of art? How? Be prepared to present the artworks you investigated in class.
- purchase sketchbook from the bookstore and bring to (every) class
In Class:
- introductions, class agreements
- Set up help/ crit groups
- Class discussion: identifying some conceptual, technical, and perceptual qualities of digital art
WEEK 2 /who is the artist?
Monday January 29
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- Reading: Christiane Paul, "Introduction" from Digital Art
- Look at tags listed on w3schools and experiment with some of the example code for a
, img
, ul & li
, a
, div
, span
, nav
In Class:
- introduction to html and css, introduction to A1
Wednesday January 31
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- Artwork: Michael Mandiberg, Shop Mandiberg;
- Artwork: Young Hae Chang, Traveling to Utopia, With a Brief History of Technology, Artist's Statement N0. 45,730,944: The Perfect Artistic Web Site, and Samsung
- css properties to look at
- data collection project, A2a: Document your digital communications for 24 hours, collecting at least 7 different pieces of metadata (including platform used) -- use a spreadsheet. Direct message spreadsheet to me via Slack by the end of the day Tuesday the 6th
- work on A1
In Class:
- html and css cont'd
WEEK 3 /networked identity
Monday February 05
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- Reading: Simone Browne, Branding Blackness, from Dark Matters
- Artwork: Keith Obadike, Blackness for Sale (read through text on rhizome, then click through to Blackness for Sale specifically);
- Artwork: Cory Archangel, Data Diaries
- Artwork: Gabriel Barcia-Colombo
- Artwork: Heather Dewey-Hagborg (watch a few videos about her DNA works)
- Artwork: Ganesh and Ghani, How Do You See the Disappeared? A Warm Database
- Artwork: Mezangelle
- Artwork: Jonas Lund
- work on a1, making your home site
- data collection project, A2a: Document your digital communications for 24 hours, collecting at least 7 different pieces of metadata (including platform used) -- use a spreadsheet. Direct message spreadsheet to me via Slack by the end of the day Tuesday the 6th
In Class:
- getting to know you exercise
- Discuss artworks
- html and css continued, ftp
- Work on a1, introduction to a2
Tuesday February 06
HACKER HOURS 4:30-6:30p! Come to Digital Lab 208! Come for the code, stay for the Pizza
- a2a due by the end of the day
Wednesday February 07
Before Class:
- work on A1
- continue to look at css: explore properties and values
- develop ideas for a2 in your sketchbooks on mock-ups
In Class:
- studio time, discuss ideas for A2
Friday February 09
- Finish A1 and post to the #assignments channel in Slack by 11:59pm
WEEK 4 /data 1: surveillance, sousveillance, dataveillance
Monday February 12
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- Reading + Artwork: Artist-Made Tools Resist Algorithmic Racism and Empower Communities
- Reading: Astronoise ed. Laura Poitras, excerpts by Edward Snowden and Kate Crawford
- Artwork: Deep Lab video
- Artwork: Hasan Elahi, Tracking Transience see also: this description
- explore this introduction to responsive design,
- and mess around with these responsive examples
- experiment with https://www.w3schools.com/css/css3_transitions.asp
- work on A2
In Class:
- html, css, ftp cont'd
Wednesday February 14
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- Artwork/ Project: Immersion (no longer hosted by MIT -- watch video)
- Artwork: Forensic Architecture
- study and experiment with animations
- study these flexible layouts
- work on mock-ups for a2
In Class:
- surveillance lecture
- flexbox, grid, and transitions
- play around with these examples of image flips, etc: Advanced css and js
WEEK 5 / networked power
Monday February 19
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- Reading: Johnny Ryan, "How the atom bomb helped give birth to the Internet"
- Reading: Starhawk, Intro to Truth or Dare (3 Types of Power Section most important)
- Reading: Mark Lombardi, in Bomb mag
- Artwork/ Reading: Joseph Beuys, Proceedings at the Bureau for Direct Democracy and I am Searching for a Field Character
- Artwork: Paolo Cirio, Global Direct
- Artwork: bitcoin artworks
- Work on a2
In Class:
- In-Process crits
- Studio time
Tuesday February 20
HACKER HOURS 4:30-6:30p! Come to Digital Lab 208! Come for the code, stay for the Pizza
Wednesday February 21
Before Class:
- Artwork/ Reading: Ingrid Burrington, Ground and Above Ground
- Artwork: Kit Galloway and Sherrie Rabinowitz, Hole in Space
- Artwork: Wafaa Bilal, Domestic Tension (watch videos from the performance -- from beginning and end)
- Artwork: Warren Sack, Conversation Map
- Artwork: Warren Sack, Agonistics
- Artwork: Starry Night, Alex Galloway et. al
- Artwork: DToren
- work on a2
In Class:
- In Process crits if needed
- studio time.
A2 due date pushed to Monday Feb 26
WEEK 6 / nonlinear and interactive narratives
Monday February 26
Before Class:
Read/ look at:
- Reading: Garden of Forking Paths
- Artwork: Zach Blas Contra-Internet Inversion Practice #3: Modeling Paranodal Space
- Artwork: Oli Lialina, My Boyfriend Came Back from the War
- Quarantine Stories
- Imagine Otherwise: Margaret Rhee on Queer Feminist Robot Poetry
- Documentation of Patchwork Girl by Shelley Jackson
- ELiterature
- A2 Due
- study these flexible layouts
In Class:
- advanced layouts, studio time, possible drone workshop
- Intro to a3
Wednesday February 28
Before Class:
Read/ look at:
- Reading: Augusto Boal, from Theater of the Oppressed
- Artwork: Eklund, World Without Oil
In Class:
- Discuss recent artworks
- html 5 and css3 uses for narrative,
- layout and animation examples -- see if you can mess around with them to use your own images and text, or tweak the layout
- Look at - play around with some javascript and other ideas for narrative structure
- discuss ideas for A3
WEEK 7 /authorship, data + narrative
Monday March 04
Before Class:
Look at/ Read about:
- catch up on readings and artwork; if you want a good short story, read/reread Garden of Forking Paths (above)
- Reading: Neal Gorenflo, from Shareable, Michel Bauwens, from the P2P Foundation and John Robb, from Global Guerrillas, interview las Indias' David de Ugarte Translated/Re-edited * by Stacco Troncoso, edited by Jane Loes Lipton - Guerrilla Translation!
- Project: Creative Commons
- Artwork(s): Critical Art Ensemble
- play around with ravel, by everest pipkin
- study and experiment with media queries
- sketches and mock-ups for A3
In Class:
- studio time for A3
Wednesday March 06
Before Class:
Read/ look at:
- Reading: Juan Freire, From the Analogue Commons to the New Hybrid Public Spaces
- Project: Welcome to Solidarity Is, a project that generates tools, trainings, and narratives to facilitate transformative solidarity practices for movement building
- Artwork: Bioplastic Cookbook for Ritual Healing from Petrochemical Landscapes
- work on A3
In Class:
WEEK 7 / stories and games
Monday March 18
Before Class:
- work on A3
In Class:
- in-process crits
Wednesday March 20
Before Class:
Read about/ Look at:
- Reading: Catherine, D'Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein, Unicorns, Janitors, Ninjas, Wizards, and Rock Stars from Data Feminism
- Artwork: micha cardenas
- Artwork: Joseph Delappe, Dead in Iraq
- Artwork: Catlow, Rethinking War Games
- Artwork: Wafaa Bilal, Domestic Tension
- Michael Mateas, Facade
- UCSC game program, Critical Realities Studio
- Conor Sherlock, The Rapture Is Here and You Will Be Forcibly Removed From Your Home
- https://itch.io/
- Kitty Horror Show don't look at these if you are feeling gloomy or vague :)
- work on a3
In Class:
- in-process crits
Thursday March 21
- HACKER HOURS 4:00-6:00p
WEEK 8 / spidering and poetry crawls
Monday March 25
Before Class:
A3 Due by 12:00p -- please submit link through Slack.
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- begin scifi novels
- video preparing you for tutorial below (don't do anything while watching this -- it just clarifies a few things you'll encounter in the tutorial below)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALizgnSFTwQ>
- websites to scrape: try these links the one the tutorial gives you isn't working:
- http://quotes.toscrape.com/
- http://books.toscrape.com/
- https://www.scrapethissite.com/pages/forms/
- https://www.scrapethissite.com/pages/
In Class:
- Mini lecture introducing free software, copyleft, open source, Creative Commons
- a4, add cc license to your work
- intro to the command line and intro to a5
Wednesday March 27
Before Class:
Read about/ Look at:
- continue sci-fi novels
- practice web scraping from the command line
- work on a5
In Class:
- studio time, intro to spidering
- look at 5 web spider examples
WEEK 9 / spidering 2
Monday April 01
Before Class:
- continue sci-fi novels
- work on a5: figure out what site or sites you want to scrape. come to class with ideas for a5.
- practice web scraping from the command line
In Class:
- studio time
Work with these sites and then with a 'real' site:
- http://quotes.toscrape.com/
- http://books.toscrape.com/
- https://www.scrapethissite.com/pages/forms/
- https://www.scrapethissite.com/pages/
Wednesday April 03
Before Class:
Read / Look at:
- continue sci-fi novels
- Rewatch scrapy tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALizgnSFTwQ (you should be able to smoothly do this whole tutorial now)
- work on a5
In Class:
- studio time
WEEK 10 / speculative fabulation
Monday April 08
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- continue sci-fi novels
- see 3D_Print_Introduction.pdf
In Class:
Tuesday April 09
- Finish A5 and post website to the #assignments channel in Slack by 11:59pm
Wednesday April 10
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- continue sci-fi novels
In Class:
- intro to vector drawing and the laser, intro to A6
WEEK 11 / multiples
Monday April 15
Before Class:
Read/ Watch/ Look at:
- finish sci-fi novels
- Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (first 5 sections most important)
- brainstorm ideas for A6
In Class:
- vector drawing continued, laser cutting and etching
- Online File Generators for Laser Cutting
- studio time, work on A6
Wednesday April 17
Before Class:
- work on ideas and designs for A6 -- your sketchbook should reflect 3-5 ideas
- work on A6
In Class:
- intro to tinkercad
- studio time
WEEK 12 / speculative fabrication
Monday April 22
Before Class:
Read about/ Look at:
- Ursula LeGuin Carrier Bag of Fiction
- Neri Oxman here
- Tobias Klein Soft Immortality
In Class:
- 3D printing
Wednesday April 24
Before Class:
Read about/ Look at:
- Moreshin Allahyari esp. She Who Sees the Unknown, 3D Addivist stuff, Material Speculation: ISIS
- House of Ladosha
- Stephanie Syjuco esp. Afghanicraftistan
- https://queersbuilt.vice.com/queersbuilt/p/1
- work on a6, using vector or 3D modeling as needed
In Class:
- studio time, in-process crits
Wednesday April 24
:::3:30-5:30p HACKER HOURS:::
WEEK 14 /
Monday April 29
Before Class:
- work on A6
In Class:
- in-process crits
Wednesday May 01
Before Class:
- work on A6, make a 3D model to print in the media lab
In Class:
- studio day
Friday May 03
- Finish A6: coordinate with me regarding install in Little Hall at noon, and post images to website to the #assignments channel in Slack by 11:59pm