
Access to software off campus:
- be sure to talk to me about accessing software, downloads, etc. ITS is also here for you:
- Software for Students
If you need additional assistance:
---Contact the Service Desk:
---Phone: 315-228-7111 -- Hours M-F, 8 a.m.-4p.m.

Access and Assistance with Digital Tools on campus: There are a number of labs and monitors who can help you in Little Hall and the Library. The Digital Lab Output room, Little Hall 208, and Little Hall 113, as well as Ryan 101 all have the software you will need for this class. Carl Wohnson,, is the lab technician and his office is right beside Little Hall 208. He can help you with questions about tools you have. Labs are open every day, and we will also have monitors in 208 and 113 from 4-11p every evening. Kevin Donlin and Duane Martinez are also technicians in the building and they may be able to help especially with the fabrication tools. Finally, I can't emphasize enough to use Slack whenever you have a question -- the sooner you ask for help the sooner you'll get it. If you have the question, someone else has or has had the same question and is eager to know or help with the answer!

linked in learning:
All Colgate students have access to linked in learning -- an excellent reference for tutorials on everything from html to Processing. Sign in through the Colgate portal with your Colgate username and pword:

Lectures, notes, broadcasts from me to you!!!
- Using Filezilla and making your site live
- Adding styles to your html
- External Stylesheet- How To
- Introducing Classes
- Introducing Layout
- Flexbox Tutorial
- Grid Tutorial
- Working with the Grid Horizontally and Vertically
- Grid Pt 2 Addendum
- Image Switch Examples
- Pen Tool Demo
- Clipping Mask in Illustrator
- Using Tangram and Mapzen
- Layer Mask techniques in Photoshop
- Grabbing Source Code from a Website
- Using Type in Illustrator

Example code
- layout and animation examples
- Advanced css and js
- some javascript and other ideas for narrative structure
- 5 web spider examples

html editors
for mac, linux and windows
- atom
- komodo edit
- sublime
- visual studio
for mac
- textmate
- smultron
for windows
- brackets
- notepad++

html + css reference
- W3 schools css reference
- W3 schools html reference
- Front End Developer Handbook
- HTML Dog
- Mozilla Web Doc (html, css, etc)
- Sitepoint references for css
- Box Model
- firebug

Menus and lists
- Listamatic (good resource for basic menus)


- Colour Lovers
- 500 colors

Connecting to the server
- ftp explained
- sftp and ftp explained
- how to connect to my server space using filezilla

More Advanced:
- Free Code Camp links

- introduction to bootstrap

php + mySQL

- the bezier game
- see 3D_Print_Introduction.pdf
- Online file generators for laser cutting
- Designing with TinkerCad
- Laser fabrication for product design