Math Art and Logic :: Course Assignments
Assignment 1:
:: RECIPE :: ::
- Write out a conceptual painting. Following in the tradition of conceptual artists like Sol Lewitt write a recipe or instruction based artwork in natural language, develop a set of instructions for a dynamic abstract painting. Review
Sol LeWitt's retrospective at MASSMoca (you can click on the thumbnails to see the instructionals), as well as Casey Reas' exploration of his work in
Software Structures.. Keep in mind that you will be passing this recipe on to a fellow classmate who will turn the instructions into Processing code.... The assignment will be graded based on its formulaic presentation in relationship to the code environment and algorithmic structures. Due before class Oct 27.
Using object oriented programming and functions, implement the instructional/ conceptual painting written by a fellow student in Processing. Consider the elements of the recipe/ instructional you received and first, turn it into algorithmic pseudocode as described by Daniel Shiffman. This means in your comments or in a separate text file, I will be looking for a detailed step-by-step description of algorithmic processes in natural language. This can then be translated into variables and methods, inside of classes that you create. Implement the recipe using the Processing coding environment using all of the main programming concepts introduced to date, including at least one class. Assignment due date coming soon. Due Nov 17.
Assignment 2:
:: Reverse engineer a computational artwork in Processing ::
Find one early computational artwork viewed in class this semester, or one you've found on your own and recreate it using Processing. The artwork should replicate the visual elements of the work as well as the mathematical and logical operations. It should be made dynamic in some way if it is not already. Your code for this assignment should be heavily commented, demonstrating your "metacognition" of the logical and mathematical processes at play, and where you are stuck. You must also keep a debugging log that tracks unexpected, wrong, or unplanned results (beyond a syntax error) and how you addressed the problem: What do you think is causing the unexpected behavior? How did you test your hypothesis? What ultimately did you find? This log should have at minimum 10 entries, but I would expect to see something more like 20. Please note I will not count syntax errors as entries. 20% of grade.
Please zip up your work, label it, and email with snapshots/ or documentation of your debug log as well as an image or a link to the original artwork you are recreating, along with the name of the artist.
Due before class December 08.