dataportrait (self portrait for a spy) [a2] 15%
digital studio spring 2024
a2a due Tuesday February 06
first draft, in process crits due February 19 and possibly 21 (edited)
a2, due end of day (11:59pm) Monday February 26 (edited)

The first part of this assignment assignment relies on a definition of metadata, which is data about information. Examples of metadata include timestamp, location, platform, sender id, receiver id, communication type, device type.

Document ALL your digital communications for 24 hours, collecting at least 7 different pieces of metadata (including platform used) -- use a spreadsheet and organize with metadata categories for 7 columns, and timestamps for each row. as you are documenting you communication, you may find it useful to use a physical or digital notepad to write down each communication, to be organized later.

Direct message spreadsheet to me via Slack by the end of the day Tuesday the 6th

For this assignment, you will create a self portrait of who you are with no 'selfie' images of yourself; rather, this self portrait will be made up of metadata, ip addresses, links, and/or other kinds of codes that paint a picture of who you are on the internet, on your phone, and/or on your computer.... Please 'hand code' using your new html and css skills (js, php, etc. optional). No Dreamweaver or packages.


1) Consider what your data reveals or doesn't reveal from the metadata exercise we did. How could you use this as material to 'paint' a picture of who you are on the internet? Is it accurate, or skewed? How can you exploit the accuracy or inaccuracy to reveal something about digital data, digital culture, and your own identity in these context/s?
2) Consider the artists and projects we've reviewed for class, such as Keith Obadike, Younga Hae Chang, Michael Mandiberg, Gabriel Barcia-Colombo, Heather Dewey-Hagborg, and others (see below). How do these artists succeed or fail in constructing an identity, or a 'profile,' and for whom? Can you play with the dynamics of accuracy or inaccuracy in using codes and data for your dataportrait?
3) Consider digital aesthetics -- how are the senses engaged in your piece? Is it interactive? Does the visitor feel in control or overwhelmed? Is this achieved through an orderly presentation, moving or changing parts, or something more chaotic?
4) Technically, please employ an external stylesheet, be fluidly employing classes or ids, and demonstrate an understanding of positioning.
5) Please post your A2 URL to the #assignments channel of Slack.


You will be graded on
1) perceptual: exploration of digital +/or networked aesthetics, and the ability to have your aesthetics reflect your concepts. simple aesthetics that reflect a complex concept are often very effective.
2) conceptual work: how are you creatively approaching problems tied to data and digital +/or networked identity?
3) technical: ability to implement technical coding lessons into project, and make code work for you. Clean organized code will reflect well on you :)


Keith Obadike
Young Hae Chang
Michael Mandiberg (Shop Mandiberg)
Gabriel Barcia-Colombo
Heather Dewey-Hagborg
Jonas Lund
Cory Archangel, Data Diaries
Chitra Ganesh and Mariam Ghani, How Do You See the Disappeared? A Warm Database
Walid Raad, Atlas Group
Andreas Muller-Pohle, Blind Genes
Lynn Hershman-Leeson, Roberta Breitmore
Warren Sack, Conversation Map
Alex Galloway et al, Starry Starry Night

Consider also, the legacy of Henrietta Lacks (Guardian article)

Your digital identity has three layers, and you can only protect one of them