digital studio spring 2024
professor margaretha haughwout
A1, due Friday February 09, by 11:59pm

Young Hae Chang and Heavy Industries
For this small-ish assignment, you will create a website to hold your work for the semester. Please 'hand code' using your new html and css skills.


1) Please have an index.html page, and linked subpages that work as placeholders for each assignment for this class
2) Please have at least one image, utilize a ul li menu structure, a tags, div tags, and paragraph and header tags as needed
3) Please also employ css using an external style sheet, classes and ids as needed. I want to see you can work with classes.
4) Please make a page for links to experiments in html and css that we do in class, and where you can try things outside of class. Have one link in your main menu called 'experiments' or something like that, and on the actual experiments page you can link to other pages as needed.
5) I am looking for a clean, well organized file structure and organization, using folders such as 'media' and 'tech' as needed


Please post your A1 URL to the #assignments channel of Slack.

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