Sept 2:: quantities vs qualities
Before Class:
- Read: Course Syllabus
In class:
- Introductions
- Generate questions together
- Fractions, Shapes, Vertices
Studio time:
- Using Processing, Introduction
Discussion reference/lecture
Sept 9 :: mind / body split, cartesian coordinates
Before Class:
- 5 groups read different text excerpts: group 1) excerpt from My Ishmael by Daniel Quinn; group 2) excerpt from Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig; group 3) excerpt from Spell of the Sensuous by David Abram; group 4) excerpt from Plato's Dialogues (exerpt from the Phaedo) -- see this link for context; group 5) excerpt from Descartes' Discourse on a Method, Ch. 4
- Look at: CodeDoc
In class:
- Math/ Cybernetic concepts: Cartesian coordinates
- History: Mind/ Body split, Abstract thinking, Plato & Descartes
- Art: CodeDoc
Studio time:
- Coordinates, Primitives, Color by Numbers
- A1 due
Sept 16 :: rationalism, enlightenment, scientific Method
Before Class:
- Read: 1/2 class reads "What is Enlightenment?" Michel Foucault, 1/2 class reads Sasha Archibald, 'Blinded by the Light'
- Look at: CodeDoc
In class:
Review HW
- History: Quick survey up to early 1800s
Studio time:
- Processing: Math, Arithmetic, Functions, Variables
- Work on A2
- :: source code from class ::
---example of variables
---tracking the mouse
---updating the background
---mouseX and Y points
---mouseX and mouseY
---using modulo
---image experiment
Sept 23 :: calculating difference, hardware, conditionals, functions
Before Class:
- Read: Letters of Ada Lovelace, excerpt from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
In class:
- Math/ Cybernetic concepts: Boolean logic, concept of software
- History: Charles Babbage, Liebnitz stepped reckoner, Ada Lovelace, punch cards and looms
- Art: Romanticism, Anarchism
Studio time:
- Processing: Conditionals
- A2 due
- Notes from class and prezi
Sept 30 :: standard time, clockwork, counters, the system
Before Class:
- Read: Wolfgang Schivelbush, "Railroad Space and Railroad Time". Please also review for loops, increment, and add assign
In class:
- Math/ Cybernetic concepts: the system
- History: time, clockwork, trains, early telegraph, Lewis Richardson (The supply of energy from and to Atmospheric Eddies)
Studio time:
- Processing: Counters, Loops, Time and Date
- Work on A3
- Class 5 lecture
- Source code from class
Oct 7 :: ballistics computation, gender, bezier curves
Before Class:
- Read: When Computers Were Women, by Jennifer S. Light. Please also review second(), minute(), hour(), millis(), day(), month(), and year()
In class:
- Math/ Cybernetic concepts: Bezier curves
- History: Ballistics computing
- Art: Modern Times, Charlie Chaplin
Studio time:
- See What we know so far to summarize our programming knowledge to date.
- Processing: Bezier curves, transformations
- Work on A3
Oct 14 :: universal turing machine, software, recipes
Before Class:
- Read: Vannevar Bush, As We May Think
In class:
- Math/ Cybernetic concepts::Boolean logic and circuits
- History: Alan Turing, Claude Shannon, Universal Turing Machine
- Art: How to Make a Dadaist Poem (method of Tristan Tzara), Casey Reas, {Software Structures}
Studio time:
- Processing: Arrays
- look at beginShape(), vertex(), bezier(), curveVertex(), bezierVertex()
- A3 due
- Class 6 lecture
- Source Code from class
Oct 21 :: mathematical theory of information, phenomenology
Before Class:
- Read: Gleick, The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood, ch. 7
In class:
- Math/ Cybernetic concepts: Information theory
Studio time:
- Processing: Groups for next assignment established:
- Group 1 :: variables (including variable types and variable scope)
- Group 2 :: if/ else conditionals (including relational expressions and
boolean statements)
- Group 3 :: for loops (including increment)
- Group 4 :: arrays
- Group 5 :: basic code elements (including setup(), draw(), syntax) statements (incl. mathematical operators -- yes, definitely modulo) & functions.
- Mid course review
- A4 due
Oct 28 :: feedback, neural nets
Before Class:
- Read: N. Katherine Hayles, excerpt from How We Became Posthuman
In class:
Math or cybernetic concept: Feedback
- History: Macy Conferences
- Art: Tristan Tzara, How to Make a Dadaist Poem
Studio time:
- A5 due
- Class 8 Lecture
- Source code from class
Nov 4 :: networks
Before Class:
- Read: Alex Galloway, Introduction to Protocol
In class:
- Watch: Alphaville
- History: Art movements of early 20th-c
- Art: Fluxus
Studio time:
- Bring recipe part of A6 to class
- source code from class
- Class 9 Lecture
- Software Structures text
- Software Structures map
- Mass MoCa Sol LeWitt Restrospective
Nov 11 :: networks
Before Class:
In class:
- History: Networks, History of DARPA
- Art: Fluxus, Conceptual Art.
Studio time:
- A6 due
- Continue with object oriented programming
- Download
- See
Nov 18 :: autopoesis, emergence
Before Class:
- Read: excerpt from Emergence by Stephen Johnson
- Look at: this example of arrays of objects
In class:
- History: Autopoesis, Emergence
- Class 11 Lecture
Studio time:
- Review circles and spag
- Work on A7
Nov 25 :: art and technology
Before Class:
- 9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering (please read through index)
- See also multimedia project by Clarissa Bardiot
In class:
- History: Cybernetic legacy
Studio time:
- In class exercise
- A7 due
Dec 2 :: Buckminster Fuller, Geodesic Domes, Dymaxion Map
Before Class:
- Review 9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering (please read through index) & multimedia project by Clarissa Bardiot
- Look at: Buckminster Fuller's Geodesic Domes, Dymaxion Map
In class:
- History: Buckminster Fuller, new communalism
- Art: Whole Earth Catalog, USCO, Merry Pranksters
Studio time:
- In class exercise
- Class 13 Lecture
Dec 9 :: questions, learning outcomes
Before Class:
- Read: Audre Lorde, The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House
In class:
- downLoad
Studio time:
- A8 due