Homework and Assignment Descriptions and Due Dates
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Assignments should be submitted to git. We will review this in class.

Before the end of ___ ::::A1a::::
- Write out a conceptual painting. Following in the tradition of conceptual artists like Sol Lewitt write a recipe or instruction based artwork in natural language, develop a set of instructions for a dynamic abstract painting. Review Sol LeWitt's retrospective at MASSMoca (you can click on the thumbnails to see the instructionals), as well as Casey Reas' exploration of his work in Software Structures. Keep in mind that you will be passing this recipe on to a fellow classmate who will turn the instructions into Processing code.... The assignment will be graded based on its formulaic presentation in relationship to the code environment and algorithmic structures. More on this assignment coming soon.

Due before class on ___ ::::A1b::::
Using object oriented programming and functions, implement the instructional/ conceptual painting written by a fellow student in Processing. Consider the elements of the recipe/ instructional you received and first, turn it into "algorithmic pseudocode" as described by Daniel Shiffman. This means in your comments or in a separate text file, I will be looking for a detailed step-by-step description of algorithmic processes in natural language. This can then be translated into variables and methods, inside of classes that you create. Implement the recipe using the Processing coding environment using all of the main programming concepts introduced to date, including at least one class. Label A1b and post in the A1b repository on GitHub

Due by the end of the day on Dec 08 ::::A2::::
You will receive a dynamic conceptual painting made in Processing from a fellow student for the A1b assignment above. For A2, you will use this given code to create a textured sound environment using Arduino and other electronic components. Use motors, piezos and other mechatronic elements in combination to create an emergent, textured and mechatronic soundscape based on events, collisions and changes occurring in the control structures of the conceptual drawing. The code for this assignment should be highly commented, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the code you were given, where you altered it and why, as well as the code you added to communicate with Arduino. You must also keep a debuggling log that tracks unexpected, wrong, or unplanned results (beyond a syntax error) and how you addressed the problem. This log should have 5-10 entries, but it would be easy to have something more like 20. Final project includes ALL CODE, comments and a comprehensive VIDEO documenting all aspects of your mechatronic sound environment. 20% of grade.20% of grade.