/6th e multiples project [A2] 15%
digital studio fall 2017
professor margaretha haughwout
due october 13
Theme: Theme: The Sixth Extinction refers to the theory that the extinction event currently underway is of the scale of the 5 other major extinction events to happen on plant Earth. This theory argues that even conservative estimates of species currently going extinct are dramatically higher than typical extinctions in any given century. In her book, The Sixth Extinction, Elizabeth Kolbert traces the decline and extinction of some of what she determines to be the most critical species, such as coral reefs, golden frogs, brown bats (found in Upstate NY), and rhinoceri.
Tied to the Sixth Extinction is the 'Anthropocene', a term introduced by Eugene Stoermer and proposed by Paul Crutzen to be a new geological epoch marked by humankind's total and intensive impact on the earth. Critics of this term, such as Jason Moore and Donna Haraway, argue that the epoch would be better named the 'Capitalocene', arguing that certain economic conditions and regimes of power shape the negative impact that humans have had in the past ~500 years.
- Conceptual: Drawing from canonical theoretical essays such as Benjamin's The Artwork in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, art movements such as the Fluxus, street art, as well as recent DIY and craft movements, you will create and employ the mechanically reproduced object, or the 'multiple', to address an aspect of the 6th Extinction +/or the Athropocene. Your multiple might address environmental solutions, education, human survival or the survival of other species, +/or address some aspect of a speculative future (utopian or dystopian).
- Technical: This art project will use digital tools such as the laser cutter, the color printer (combined with folding techniques) or other fabrication techniques. These digital techniques and technologies may be combined with non-digital techniques and materials -- seeds, soils, moss, food, +/or reusables, for example.
- Perceptual: The multiple that you create might be kit, tool, commentary, message or instruction, and it should be able to be easily reproduced and distributed. It is essential that your multiple have some sort of impact or engagement -- in other words, the work must be able to be engaged, used, reproduced, spread. Ideally, it intervenes in the social, political, economic or ecological fabric in some way. The process of making the multiple should also be documented and be able to be reproduced by someone else. Be in touch if there are certain materials you need that aren't readily accessible (we may have a limited budget).
Deliverables: Unless another amount is determined to be acceptable by the professor, you will produce 10-20 of your multiples for display and possible distribution at the 6th E Street reception on Oct 13 (TBA). On Oct 11, bring the multiples to class, have them documented online (photos are good). On your website, you will also provide (or link to) a how-to or instructional for how to reproduce your project and use any necessary tools (this how-to is something you created).
Note: There is the option to have your work intersect more directly directly with the installation in the Ho/Olin tunnels. If you are interested in using the laser cutter for use in stencils and painting -- be in touch with the professor.
Grading: You will be graded on the 1) conceptual, 2) technical, and 3) perceptual rigor of your project, 4) the ability for another artist to reproduce your work based on documentation, and 5) your ability to interpret the assignment and address the theme of the 6th E/ Anthropocene.