Visualize the digital communications you observed and recorded during your 72 hour time block. Use your written observations of patterns as a starting point; what is interesting to you about your observations? How can you represent and visualize what interests you? You might start with one platform or type of media, or one context like location or mood, and build from there. Consider creating icons for the messages that travel between sender and receiver, or state changes for sender and receiver based on the exchanges. If there is reciprocality, the message may mutate and change states as receiver becomes sender.

Ken Chen:

Tammy Chen:

Yuchung Chen:

Jady Chuang:

Oscar Yung:

Colin Wilson: (in Processing)

Ruxin Zhang: (in Processing)

Document your analog communications for a 24 hour time period. How do you communicate to drivers and bikers when crossing the street on foot, when ordering coffee in a busy shop, or late at night in a rough neighborhood. Consider vocal and non vocal communications. You may use the categories/ metadata that you used for your digital observations, but please also add new ones. Begin to visualize your analog communications. Use your observational notes as a starting point and visualize three of your metadata categories. Use any design or programming environment familiar to you.

Ken Chen:
Tammy Chen:

Jady Chuang:

Oscar Yung:

Ruxin Zhang (in Processing):