Jan 25::
Before Class
Excerpt of Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn
Introduction to Permaculture, by Bill Mollison
In Class
- A critique of certain agricultural models
- Introduction to the ethics and principles of Permaculture
- Intro to concepts, themes and methods (from patterns to details)
- Review
Permaculture Principles
- VAST design model
- First site assessment
Pick a site and Go Outside
- what are all the elements involved?
- describe site, draw it
- what kinds of materials are there?
- what plants?
- animals, insects (describe)
- is there slope?
- what energies come into the site?
- how much light? (time of day)
- people?
- cars?
- water?
- wind?
- How can you block, channel or absorb the energies?
- What kinds of yields can you create if you absorb or channel the energy?
- how can you apply your permaculture principles to this site?