Course Syllabus:


Mar 30::
Before Class:

Due by March 31 ::::A1:::: Using object oriented programming and functions, implement the instructional/ conceptual painting written by a fellow student in Processing. Consider the elements of the recipe/ instructional you received. Can they be translated into variables, and methods, inside of classes that you create? Simplifying where necessary, implement the recipe using the Processing coding environment using all of the main programming concepts introduced to date, including at least one class.
Please include the original "software structure," or instruction, in code at the top of your main file and the artist's name. Label and email.

In class:
- Review.
- Review A1

Studio time:
- continue with oop and connecting Arduino and Processing
- download Processing2 Arduino library and follow instructions for installing.
- open StandardFirmata.ino in Arduino & upload.
- Sparkfun tutorials 12-14find pdf here