Apr 20::
Before Class:
tutorial on H-Bridge
Work on A2 - submit idea and how you are approaching it in a text file, as well as a photo or video of your progress. zip up and label Hw11_lastname_firstname.zip
please note new due date below:
A2 Due: You will receive a conceptual painting made in Processing from a fellow student. For this assignment, you will use this code to create a textured sound environment using Arduino. Use motors, piezos and other elements to create an emergent, textured and mechanical soundscape based on events occurring in the conceptual drawing. Due by the end of the day on April 28 (edited - date changed!). Zip up and label A2_lastname_firstname.zip....
In class:
- motor direction, switches, H-Bridges
Studio time:
- A1_sevilla_angela_2.zip
- work on A2