Networked Forest

DE-FENCE Part 2: The Line Becomes a Territory
multi-stellar-inter-species-workers-union at STWST48x8 DEEP
A Talk by Multispecies Storyteller Ciclón L.T. Olivares and Roundtable Speaker Discussion with Oliver Kellhammer and Margaretha Haughwout, moderated by Maya Kóvskaya
Closing Plenary at The World-Ecology Research Network
Re-Enchantment: Environmental Law and Ruderal Ecologies: A conversation with Sinead Mercier, convened by Gareth Kennedy and Seoidín O’Sullivan with the NCAD Gallery, Dublin
Food Forest Futures installation
Peach blossoms
Image from cover of Art as Social Practice book
Fruiting Plums on an Ornamental Plum
Arising from the Underground: Ciphers, Spirits, and Prophecies
GrrrRural Food Forestry: Notes toward a radical feminist commons
Coastal Reading Group :: Wilderness, Ethics and the Capitalocene