/dynamic transformations: collaboration and remix [A5] 15%
digital studio spring 2018
due saturday may 05

You will be given one of your peer's A4 projects. Work with a peer's dynamic conceptual painting and translate it into a new medium, or environment; extend it in some way. You might get aspects of the code to generate mechatronic activity through Arduino, or create other real world activity (two ellipses collide and an email gets sent to a politician?). You could take the shapes your dynaic painting generates and laser cut them. Perhaps you take a complex shape and translate it into a fashion accessory. Or you might translate the code back into instructionals for an entirely new medium -- a performance, dance, or a living sculpture for instance....

Documentation of A5 can take a range of forms. If you don't work in code, document project through writing, photographs, sound, and /or video; post to the Digital Studio Tumblr site and post link to Slack. If you work with code, post to the course openprocessing site: https://www.openprocessing.org/class/57337/ (password is E4B280) Add to the "A5 /dynamic transformations: collaboration and remix collection." Title the work A5_lastname_firstname. When you navigate to My Sketches > Create a Sketch, select the processing.js option in the right column. You will need to paste your code into the site. Leave enough time to deal with any technical glitches that need to be worked out. Please also post the zip file to the #general channel of Slack.

full openprocessing demo here

You will be graded on
1) conceptualization of A5, including expanding on, or troubling where we locate authorship and art
2) your ability to render project into critical aesthetic context, utilizing our expanded definition of aesthetics and form
3) sustained inquiry