/recipes for disaster: processing monster [A2] 10%
digital studio spring 2018
due wednesday february 28

Lukas Vojir started making processing monsters in order to learn how to use Processing and promote code sharing. The rules for making a processing monster are simple: strictly black and white (and grayscale) and mouse reactive.

To add to Vojir's original prompt, your Monsters should employ conditionals and ideally have a for loop/s. Work with Strings and the text() function and quote at least one relevant sentence from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.

1) Make 3 monsters using black and white and grayscale.

2) Your monsters might be conceptually or aesthetically connected to one another, or not, but you should be considering the act of digital creation formally or conceptually, possibly in the context of networked culture.

3) Elements to include: mouse reactivity, conditionals, for loops, text from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

4) Elements you might think about including: black and white image files, keyboard prompts, chance operations developed outside of Processing that impacts decisions and code inside of Processing. If you really want to push this project technically and conceptually, you might think about the role and function of the 'virus' in networked culture, and in digital art, or the history of AI, the potential for singularity, biological art, or the theme of messing around in labs that threads through all science fiction, beginning with Frankenstein (emphasized text added feb 20).

This project will be posted to the course openprocessing site: https://www.openprocessing.org/class/57337/ (password is E4B280) Add to the A2 Processing Monsters collection. Title the work A2_lastname_firstname. If you have more than one file, the first part of your titles can be A2a, A2b, A2c. When you navigate to My Sketches > Create a Sketch, select the processing.js option in the right column. You will need to paste your code into the site. Leave enough time to deal with any technical glitches that need to be worked out. You can always email the zipped up sketch folder (named as above) to me.

full openprocessing demo here

This assignment will be graded on 1) your ability to interpret the assignment (2.5pts), 2) independent thinking, creative approach and conceptual process (2.5pts), 3) perceptual / aesthetic engagement -- interactivity, conditions/chance/parameters, and visual enagement (2.5pts), 4) your ability to pioneer the code (develop techniques and processes that push your skills and understanding of code at whatever level you are at) (2.5pts).

Some relevant artists and related projects:
Shelley Jackson's Patchwork Girl
Mez Breeze
JODI (don't open on your computer)
Alex Galloway, WYSIWYG
Eva and Franco Mattes, bieniale.py
Anna Krautgasser + Rainer Mandl
John Cage

Science Fiction:
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein +films
China Mieville, Perdido Street Station
Philip K Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Margaret Atwood, Oryx and Crake