week one 04 jan - 09 jan 2011
know: DF chs 1-5
topics: bauhaus, copyright, img acquisition, dynamic compositions, gestalt
in class: intro to dynamic comp, principles of gestalt download proximity and similarity exercise, color study
for thursday:get skype account & email handle to prof. get colour lovers account, make 3 color palettes & send me the link. (be sure to read/review the exercises in chapters 1, 3 + especially 5 in digital foundations)
assignments: A1 detailed dynamic composition due sunday 09.jan.10
week two 10 jan - 16 jan 2011
know: DF chs 6
read: futurist manifesto. dada manifesto. surrealist manifesto. bauhaus manifesto
topics: pen tool and masking
in class: the pen tool: download
this exercise, masking, pathfinder
assignments: A2 tracing due sunday 16.jan.11
week three 17 jan - 23 jan 2011
read: 8 simple ways to improve typography in your designs, the life and extraordinary adventures of a typographical point
watch: TED on graphic design artist paula scher
look at: breathtaking typography posters, you can't design without type, lorem ipsum
topics: 2D design, typography, culture jamming
in class: text exercise
assignments: A3 2-3 typographic layouts due sunday 23.jan.11
week four 24 jan - 30 jan 2011
know: DF chs 7-10
topics: 21st-c models of production, file size, resolution, tonal range, blending, filters & effects
in class: image adjustments (download source file here), blending, opacity, filters
assignments: A4 89 textures due sunday 30.jan.11
week five 31 jan - 06 feb 2011
know: DF chs 11-12
read: billboard liberation front manifesto
look at: adbusters
topics: 21st-c models of production, alpha channels, shape layers, web graphics
in class: exquisite corpse
assignments: A5 masking due sunday 06.feb.11
week six 07 feb - 13 feb 2011
know: xhtml, html and xhtml basics (PDF) and
head first dhtml and css (PDF)
watch: epic 2014
topics: web design
in class: hello world, html, beginning css, typography
assignments: A6 skeleton & styles due sunday 13.feb.11
week seven 14 feb - 20 feb 2011
know: css cheat sheet, the box model
read: 10 examples of beautful css typography and how they did it
topics: culture jamming, remix, fair use
in class: zen garden
assignments: A7 styles. due sunday 20.feb.11
week eight 21 feb - 27 feb 2011
know: DF chs 13-14, , intro to javascript and the DOM: http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/intro.html http://www.w3schools.com/htmldom/default.asp http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/default.asp
read:the garden of forking paths
look at: mbcbftw
topics: narrative, non-linearity, javascript
in class: repurpose mbcbftw using example js files. see the archives for source material
assignments: A8 dhtml. sunday 27.feb.11
week nine 28 feb - 06 mar 2011
read: hacker manifesto
in class: more js, php/ mysql
week ten 07 mar - 13 mar 2011
in class:php/ mysql
assignments: A9 due sunday 13.mar.10